July 16, 2011

Solemn Profession: Jovani Tubiona

KARIMADON dress, DOROTHY PERKINS skirt, HONGKONG DISNEYLAND bag, thrift shop pink heels
One fact you have to know about me, I have a LOT of guy friends, and I mean A LOT. A big chunk actually goes to the most pasaway people who should not be pasaway in the first place--- the Seminarians. In my dictionary, I call these seminarians my angels.
Today, 16th of July, one of my angels entered another big chapter in his life, through the Solemn Profession of Vows. He is the voice behind my favorite praise/worship song, ALL I DESIRE (composed by Fr. Julius Marcos, OAR). Congratulations to one of my favorite singers, Jovani Tubiona!!!
L-R: sister Bianx, I, Tubs, sister Memz
Aside from witnessing this precious event, another bonus was seeing more angels, which I truly miss. Since I have been busy with work already, it has been months since I last visited them. So this day was all YAY and no NAY for me! I'm glad to have bonded with them again even for just a short time. 
L-R: Jake, Jason, I, Hansel, Popoi
IN CLOCKWISE: Khandrie, Buloyski, Ubeng, Dwight, Pru,  Jerik
Until we see each other again, angels! (Next week, maybe? haha)